Pan Galactic Gurgle Burner

Pan galactic gurgle burner
Presented here is the recipe for the Pan Galactic Gurgle Burner described as the ultimate drink in the Hitchhiker's Guide...the drink was invented by Zaphod Beeblebrox who was once the President of the Galaxy.

Here is the recipe for the Pan Galactic Gurgle Burner

described as the best drink in the hitchhiker's guide…the drink was invented by Zaphod Beeblebrox who was once president of the Galaxy.

  1. Take the juice from a bottle of Ol' Janx Spirit.
  2. Hold in it a measure of water from the sea Santraginus V.
  3. Let three cubes of Arcturan Mega-gin melt in the mixture (the mixture must have plenty of ice or the benzene will disappear).
  4. Allow four gallons of Fallian swamp gas to bubble through the drink
  5. Over the back of a silver spoon, let some Qalactin Hypermint extract float.
  6. Throw in a tooth of an Algolic sun tiger.
  7. Sprinkle on Zamphuor.
  8. Add an olive.
  9. Drink. . . but . . .be very careful . . .

There are also a number of recipes how to make a Gurgle burner with ingredients from the earth where the basic ingredients usually consist of Gatorade and a piece of dry turkey.

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